Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Summary of Objectives & Scope

I spent 10 minutes writing up what I had gathered so far so that I couuld review and confirm with my paymaster, Lord Todd - as he was paying I thought it important he knew what he was getting for his money. This is what I wrote:

Case: Investigating breaches in the security arrangements of Lord Todd that were exploited in the attack on Mr Court.

1. Mr Court's attack
2. Lord Todd's concerns re security

1. increase knowledge on
1.1. How Mr Court's assailant gained entry to his room
2.1. How Mr Court's assailant left the premises
Achieving Objective 1 will address Driver 1

2. Increase knowledge on
2.1. Who carried out the attack
2.2. Are they a threat to Lord Todd based on why they carried out the attack
Achieving Objective 2 will address Drivers 1 and 2

3. This had been unstated so far but was implicit given the drivers - having achieved Objectives 1 & 2 increase knowledge about security issues/faults
Achieving Objective 3 will address Driver 2

1. Keep the case as quiet and confidential as possible.
1.1. Minimise the number of people and organisations who know about it.
1.2. Only tell people what they need to know - no more

Scope of the case:
Processes required to achieve objectives:
1. document exactly what happened the night of the attack
2. investigate who might be have been involved and why
3. identify security issues/faults from the products of 1 & 2
4. identify steps that could be taken to fix security issues/faults

People to work with to achieve objectives in the course of executing the processes:
1. Lord Tood
2. Police
3. Mr Court's friends and relatives and contacts
4. TripleA security

Applications & Technology that will be included in executing the processes
1. Security equipment

Data that will be needed by the processes in scope:
1. Mr Court and his relationships
2. Lord Todd and and his relationships as far as they impact the investigation
3. Event chronology of the night of the attack
4. Security processes, procedures and capabilities

"Ok Lord Todd," I announced, "perhaps we could just quickly review this...?"
Lord Todd came round to my side of the table and picked my notebook up. Even before he had started reading the inevitable question came: "How long is all this going to take?"

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